New Updates & Features – June 2019

We strive to improve our cloud based hire business software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need. We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months. We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!


Add even more features to your HireHop account through plugins! Multi-Currency is now available as a paid plugin with many more free and paid add-ons to come.

Administrators of monthly subscribed accounts can add and remove plugins by navigating Home-Settings-Subscription-Edit. Once your plugins have been selected, you will be informed how much your updated subscription will be and you will be charged any extra amount once confirmed.

For annual subscribers who are interested in any of our plugins, please contact us.


If you work in different currencies, this is for you!

Multi-Currency is available as a plugin at a small monthly cost, which can be set up by following the above instructions. Once enabled, you will have access to unlimited currencies, which can be set throughout the company, depot, job, invoices and purchase orders.

For example, you can quote a job in one currency, send invoices in different currencies and create purchase orders in multiple currencies too. When setting the currency, click on link displayed to take you to the relevant conversion page for the latest currency conversion rates, and simply enter the rate that you wish to use.

New Resource Planner 

In addition to the existing Resource Planner, the new planner is a more detailed way of viewing and allocating resources to your jobs.

Navigate Home-Management-Resource Management to set up your resources and their skills (labour items) and click on the Resource Planner to view your resources and your labour shortfalls on jobs. Easily switch between Standard and Advanced views from the top right of the screen to make use of both powerful tools!

The advanced resource planner lists out your jobs containing labour items and the specific labour items required on the top of the screen. Click on a particular slot to see which resources are available/unavailable on the bottom half of the screen and assign the chosen resource to the job.

You can also print and email documents directly from the resource planner too!

Tip: if you use the Resource Planner regularly, add the Planner as a Home Page tile from your Settings.

Prioritised Items

By enabling this new feature from Company Settings, jobs that are booked (or set to Provisional) first takes priority over jobs booked later.

Example: I own 1 of Item X. I have 2 enquiries for this item with overlapping dates. The first job that is set to Provisional/Booked will not show a shortfall.

An extra column of ‘Remainder’ is added to the job, which indicates how many of the item are left after the job’s usage. In the above case, Job 1 will show Available -1; Remainder 0, all in black as the item is prioritised for this job and there is no shortfall. Job 2 will show Available -1; Remainder -1 in red as the shortfall is on this job.

However, Job 1 may only be for 1 day, whereas Job 2 is a much more profitable 2 weeks, so users with permission can re-order priorities to alter item availability. To do this, click on the Available number of the specific item within the Supplying list and choose Items priority on the top right of the screen. Drag and drop the to rearrange the priority. This can also be done through the Availability Grid on the Home page.

From the same screen, users also have the ability to set Jobs priority, whereby a job can be moved to the top or bottom of the priority list to affect the priority and availability of all items within that job.

Virtual Depots

Create a virtual depot by navigating Home-Management-Depot Management-New with the parent/sibling Depot selected.

Virtual Depots share assets with their sibling & parent depots, which may be used for the separation of departments or in cases where multiple companies use the same stock. Virtual Depots can have a different logo, address, VAT number, separate invoice sequences and much more, with even more features to come.

Email Sending

Retry or edit if an email fails to send from your server.

To set up your email accounts and ensure your settings are correct, users can navigate Home-Settings-Your Settings.

PDF Rendering Options

More power with 2 PDF rendering engines; Webkit and Chromium.

Barcode Search

Now also from the Menu within Hire Stock Management as well as searching for a Barcode from Home-Search by Number.


Add your telematics links to your assets for asset tracking.

Better Gmail Integration

More User Permissions, Search Filters & Settings

Navigating Home-Settings-Your Settings, a new user option is ‚Date autocorrect‘. Leave it at ‚Yes‘ to remain how it is, or change the Setting to ‚No‘ to stop HireHop auto-correcting job date errors when creating or editing a job (e.g. if the Job Finish date is set before the Job Start Date). If an error is detected, instead of auto-correcting, the user will instead be greeted by an warning.

Speed and Security Improvements 

Bug Fixes and Other Minor Improvements


New Updates & Features – February 2019

We strive to improve our cloud based hire business software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need. We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months. We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!


Set up the logging settings for your hire stock items from the Menu within Hire Stock Management. Once set up, you will be prompted on the check-in of an asset to log the amount used. This could be lamp hours, generator hours or blade size on a wall chaser for example. View, track and document the logging history of your assets!

Bespoke price structure editor

HireHop introduces the new simple price structure designer allowing more flexibility on pricing structures for items on jobs of different durations. Navigate Home-Settings-Company Settings-Edit Price Structures-Custom Price Structures to create and edit your own price structures, setting the period and multipliers required. Once saved, this structure will be available to be allocated to your stock items via the price duration drop-down in stock management. Custom price structures allocated to items override and take precedence over the Job price structure for that item.

New Documents

Navigate Home-Settings-Documents-New to add in two newly created documents.

The ‘project carnet’ document, allows you to print boxed reports of assets, including weights, values and country of origin to create your carnet reports for all jobs within a project in a single click of a button.

If you would like a ‘signature receipt’ on delivery, this document allows the recipient to sign the page, and pressing Save captures the signature with the date/time it was signed.

More Home Page Tiles

Now set management pages of Resource Planner, Hire Stock Management, Resource Management, Sales Stock Management and Address book as your Home page tiles. You can find this option in Home-Settings-Your Settings-Set home page tiles…

New Languages

HireHop is now available in Spanish and Norwegian, with more languages to come! Each user can also view HireHop in English, French, Portuguese and Swedish, by selecting the Language in their User Settings.

Stock Utilisation Report

Stock Utilisation is a new report that is accessible from the Home page, and contains the following columns:

  • Utilisation = How many jobs the item was used on over the period
  • Utilisation % = Percentage of jobs done over period item was used on, so if it was used on half your jobs it would say 50%
  • Qty in stock = How many you currently have in stock
  • Used = How many used over the period, so if 10 jobs used 2 on each job, it would say 20
  • Used % = This is the percentage of how many you hold in stock used on average on each job, so if I have 10 in stock and on average I use 2.5 a job, it would say 25%.
  • Hire In Cost = How much spent hiring it in

Two key columns are the percentage ones as the higher they both are, the more the stock has been used.  If, for example, Used % and Utilisation % are always high and there is quite a high hire in cost, you should definitely be looking at buying more.  On the other hand, if your Utilisation is low and Used % is low, you should perhaps look at selling some off. Click on the Name of the item to open up another report that breaks down the hires over the period into a graph so you can see exactly how it was used.

Help Videos

Need reminding of how a particular module works or have staff who are new to the system?

We have created short how-to videos throughout the system, which are available by clicking here, or on the Help pop-out of the relevant screen.

Smart Categories

Within Hire Stock Management, and when adding items onto your supplying list, the categories now shown are the parent categories only. Click on a parent category to show all items inside that category, as well as all the sub-categories, which can be selected to further filter the list.

New shortcuts, settings and user permissions

  • Creating an invoice, click on the total owing to add a custom item with that amount.
  • Ignore, Confirm or Prevent assets whose Service, PAT Test, or other tests such as Loler, have expired or will be expiring on the particular job, from being checked out. Administrators can set this up in Company Settings, to ignore test failures, confirm failures requiring a double scan to check the asset out, or prevent the asset from being checked onto the job altogether.
  • More user permissions:
    • Override the test settings above by allowing the check out of test failures
    • Allow certain users to only open their own jobs and projects
    • Prevent or allow early checkout of jobs

See if you have shortfalls at a glance

If you have a shortfall of any items on the Supplying list of your Job, the Supplying tab will go red as a warning indicator. As soon as the shortages have been accounted for, the Supplying tab will go back to black.

Email integration

Further email integration features, including integration with Google, 365 and Microsoft Exchange servers.

Speed and security improvements

Continued speed improvements with faster servers and general speed improvements, making some parts of the system 10x faster! HireHop is 100% HTTPS, with even more improved security.

Bug fixes, other minor improvements and much more to come!


Bauvermietungssoftware – Software für Bau-, Maschinen- und Werkzeugverleih

Plant & Tool Hire SoftwareSoftware für die Vermietung schwerer Maschinen und Werkzeuge

Bisher beschränkte sich die Vermietungsbranche für Baumaschinen und Werkzeuge auf veraltete, auf Servern basierende Software mit eingeschränkter Funktionalität, deren Betrieb und Wartung nicht nur teuer, sondern auch überteuert sind!

Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das Team von HireHop funktionsreiche und zukunftssichere Software für große und kleine Unternehmen in der Bau- und Werkzeugverleihbranche entwickelt, um ihnen eine benutzerfreundliche, moderne und leistungsstarke Softwarelösung für den Ausrüstungsverleih zu einem angemessenen, erschwinglichen Preis zu bieten.

Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen Softwareunternehmen Sie aus so viel Geld wie möglich für veraltete Software erpresst haben. Benutzer wie Sie sind heute versierter und fordern ein besseres Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis sowie das beste Produkt für den Job. Genau das bietet Ihnen HireHop.

Bau JCB Bagger- und WerkzeugverleihsoftwareMietsoftware für Baumaschinen

HireHop wurde von Leuten gebaut, die in der Vermietungsbranche gearbeitet haben, zusammen mit wertvollen Vorschlägen und Rückmeldungen von unseren Nutzern, Leuten wie Ihnen, die uns gesagt haben, was sie brauchen. Dies hat es uns ermöglicht, Software zu liefern, die perfekt auf Vermietungsunternehmen für Baumaschinen wie Ihre zugeschnitten ist und Ihnen die intuitivste, leistungsstärkste, vielseitigste und funktionsreichste Software für die Vermietung von Geräten weltweit bietet.

Auf der Executive Hire Show haben wir HireHop für die Werkzeug- und Bauverleihbranche eingeführt. Dies führte dazu, dass große und kleine Unternehmen aufgrund der zahlreichen Vorteile von ihrer vorhandenen Software zu HireHop wechselten.

Software für den Verleih von Baumaschinen, Maschinen und WerkzeugenMietsoftware für moderne Baumaschinen

HireHop wurde mit der neuesten Cloud-Technologie erstellt. Es befindet sich in der Cloud, dh Sie müssen es nicht mehr installieren, müssen keine eigenen Server verwalten oder Backups erstellen und müssen definitiv nicht für teuren Support bezahlen.

Durch die Migration zu HireHop erhalten Sie kostenlose Updates (wir installieren sie sogar kostenlos), wir verwalten alle Backups kostenlos, wir bieten Ihnen kostenlosen Support und das Beste ist, dass HireHop erschwinglich ist. HireHop treibt sogar das Geschäft voran, indem es Sie anderen Benutzern mit Engpässen empfiehlt und Ihren Mietbestand kostenlos zu Online-Verzeichnissen hinzufügt, was keine andere Software in der Vermietungsbranche für Baumaschinen tut.

Lassen Sie sich nicht zurücklassen, denn die Bau- und Werkzeugverleihbranche modernisiert sich mit alarmierender Geschwindigkeit. Von der Telematik, die in die Cloud verlagert wird, leben auch Ihre Bank- und Steuererklärungen in der Cloud.

Erfüllung der zukünftigen Anforderungen von Ausrüstungsvermietern

THier ändern sich ständig und stellen sich im Laufe der Zeit einzigartige Anforderungen an Werkzeug-, Bau- und Schwermaschinenvermieter. Da HireHop Cloud-basiert ist und die neueste Cloud-Technologie umfasst, angefangen bei der Integration in Ihre Website bis hin zu G-Suite und Microsoft 365, können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie nicht zurückbleiben und immer einen Vorteil gegenüber Ihrer haben Wettbewerber.

Sichere Software für die Vermietung von Bau-, Werkzeug- und GroßmaschinenBusiness-Software für die Vermietung sicherer Geräte

In der Cloud zu sein macht HireHop sicher. Aufbauend auf dem 500-Milliarden-Dollar-Servernetzwerk von Amazon AWS, das von Banken, Regierungen und sogar der NASA genutzt wird, eine riesige Infrastruktur, die sich nicht einmal die größten Verleihfirmen für schwere Maschinen und Werkzeuge der Welt leisten können. Mit HireHop haben Sie Zugriff auf diese sichere globale Infrastruktur, ohne die Bank zu sprengen. So haben Sie Geld, um in Ihr Unternehmen zu investieren, und müssen keine überteuerte Software verschwenden.

Lassen Sie sich nicht davon abhalten, erpresserische Gebühren für altmodische Software zu zahlen. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um eine kostenlose Demo zu vereinbaren.

HireHop Rental Software Awarded „Hire Industry Trusted Supplier“ Accreditation

Hire Industry Trusted SupplierHireHop has been awarded the prestigious Hire Industry Trusted Supplier (HITS) accreditation from the Hire Association Europe (HAE), passing stringent tests on quality, longevity, safety and ethical business practices.

The Hire Industry Trusted Suppliers scheme has been established to promote the highest levels of quality, competence and safety within the hire industry, giving existing and potential customers reassurances that when choosing a HITS accredited supplier, that they are in safe hands as the supplier is fully committed to maintaining the highest level of standards and practices.

Designed to highlight the most trustworthy suppliers, the HITS scheme will help potential customers make an informed decision, as the HITS accreditation is an additional assurance that background due diligence checks have been undertaken, meaning that by choosing a Hire Industry Trusted Supplier, you are safe in knowledge that the supplier is a sound and solid choice.

Keith Jacobs, Director of HireHop says, „We are extremely proud to receive this important accreditation, and we believe that this is an endorsement of all the hard work and effort that we have put into HireHop for the benefit of our customers.“

At HireHop, being the best, most modern and future proof software in the world is not enough, as we want to go the extra mile to not only give our users the best, but also to reassure them that they are in extremely safe hands by using the HireHop.

Try HireHop today for free, and see why it is setting the standards for hire business software.

New Updates & Features – October 2018

We strive to improve our cloud based hire business software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need. We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months. We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!

Reserving Assets

By popular demand – you can now pre-book specific assets onto jobs!

To reserve an asset onto a future Job, within the Supplying List, simply select the Stock item in question, click on Menu and Reserve Assets.

You will then be greeted with a pop-up screen similar to the below showing all the assets available to be reserved. Choose the asset/s and Save.

Note that the status of the job must be Provisional or onwards in order to reserve assets. 

To enable permission to reserve assets, go Home-Settings-Users-Menu-User Permissions and ensure reserve assets is checked. 

Additionally, from the Asset page, you can now also view all reservations for an asset via the Reserved tab!

Of course, you can also build documents, reports and Carnets with reserved asset fields. Look for fields containing ‚reserved‘ through our list of fields, to see all fields available to use for our HireHop Documents, by clicking here.

Use Multiple Email Addresses

Only with HireHop!

All users now have the ability to set up unlimited email accounts and choose which email address an email is sent from. 

Every email is sent from you, saves in your email sent folder AND on the Job too!

Office 365 Integration 

And now with seamless Office 365 integration! Simply enter your 365 hosted email address into your email settings and you’re ready to go. You don’t even need your password. If you are not a 365 user, you can also choose from Microsoft Exchange and Google servers, or simply input your IMAP and SMTP settings. 

Don’t forget you can also sign into HireHop using your Office 365 or Google credentials.

Flagged Status on Assets

Do you ever have an asset that is damaged but still usable? Use the flagged asset status to note any issues but keep the asset in stock.

You can view flagged asset information on the Availability Grid and within a Job too.

First Day of the Week

Each user can now select their own option for the first day of the week. 

Navigate Home-Settings-Your Settings-First Day of the Week to select your preferred option. 

Numbering PDF Pages

Print or Email your PDF Documents in the normal way and check the ‚Add page numbering‘ box for a simple way to include page numbers on the bottom of each page.

Exporting Stock Data to Your Website

Generate an export link to integrate to your own website via our powerful API. 

You can generate the data link from the Menu of Hire Stock Management-Get data link, ensuring that an administrator has first set an export key from Company Settings. 

General Improvements and Speed Enhancements

We can’t list every update we do (you’ll get bored reading through the long list), as we regularly release new minor enhancements and features to help make your life easier such as more document fields, system speed increases, additional data fields and the list goes on.

Software Partners and Re-Sellers Oportunity – Software Product Specialists

Software re-sellerThe hire and rental industry in the USA alone had an annual turnover of $49.4 billion in 2017, made up of 30,000 medium to large companies, collectively employing around 400,000 people.

The market predominantly uses out of date Windows software, and thus has not been able to fully embrace the advantages of cloud software. This is because the cloud offerings have been very poor on functionality, that is until HireHop came along at the end of 2016. HireHop is a cloud software solution written from the ground up for the hire and rental industry, being the only software servicing the hire and rental industry that can be fully customised and is more powerful than all the other offerings. It has a full feature set, utilising groundbreaking technology and methodology invented by the team at HireHop.

Software Partners and Re-Sellers

HireHop is based in the UK and we are offering software product specialists from around the world the opportunity to become partners to re-sell HireHop as well as sell any associated services.

HireHop  is a SAAS product, thus partners will be able to share in subscription charges and provide their own additional services such as training, implementation, document design, hardware sales and software customisations. They will also be able to offer support contracts to all of their local users at whatever appropriate rates they currently follow.

This is a massive opportunity, for software re-sellers that want to expand their operations based around a mature and stable product that already has a significant user base.

If you think this could be of interest to your company, please email us below with some details about your company together with the sort of products you currently resell and support.

Anpassung und Anpassung von Widgets – HireHop API NoHTML Framework

HireHop ist vollständig anpassbar, Sie können sogar benutzerdefinierte Felder hinzufügen, alles mithilfe der HireHop-JavaScript-Injektionsmethode, bei der von Ihnen geschriebene JavaScript-Dateien in HireHop-Seiten eingefügt werden. Wenn Sie sich die Seitenquelle einer HireHop -Seite ansehen, sehen Sie <!– PLUGINS –>, hier wird das JavaScript für Ihre Plugins eingefügt.

HireHop wurde von Grund auf aufgebaut und hat unser eigenes Framework entwickelt, das wir NoHTML nennen. Dabei wurden vorhandene Technologien und Methoden zusammengeführt, um ein Framework zu erstellen, das einfach zu verwenden und erweiterbar ist und ein schnelles Laden von Seiten auch bei langsamen Internetverbindungen ermöglicht.

Abgesehen vom Hauptteil der Seite werden die Hauptteile von HireHop dynamisch auf dem Client-Rechner mit JavaScript und jQuery-Widgets erstellt, ähnlich wie REACT und JSX, aber einfacher und natürlich mit dem bekannten jQuery-Framework. Wenn Sie beispielsweise eine Jobseite laden und die Seite überprüfen (drücken Sie F12 für den Objektinspektor des Browsers), sehen Sie unten auf der Seite ein <div>-Element, das wie folgt strukturiert ist:

<div id=“notes_tab„></div>

Wie Sie sehen können, ist <div> nur ein leeres div-Element. Wenn Sie auf die Registerkarte „Notizen“ klicken, wird das obige Element plötzlich mit Elementen gefüllt. Wenn Sie sich den Inspektor Ihres Browsers ansehen, werden Sie auch feststellen, dass die einzigen Daten, die vom Server geladen wurden, JSON waren und nicht der Code im Notizen-Tab. Der Notizen-Tab wurde dynamisch auf dem Client-Rechner mit einem benutzerdefinierten jQuery UI Widget namens $.notes() (intern $.custom.notes genannt) erstellt, das in der Datei /js/notes.js definiert ist, und dieses Widget verwendet ein Ajax Aufruf an den Server, um die Daten zum Auffüllen abzurufen.

Alle Widget-Dateien auf HireHop sind aus Geschwindigkeitsgründen komprimiert. Um jedoch die erweiterte Quelle anzuzeigen, fügen Sie einfach eine .MAX am Ende des Dateinamens hinzu, z. B. /js/notes.MAX.js.

Um JavaScript in Ihre Webseiten einzufügen, gehen Sie zu Einstellungen->Unternehmenseinstellungen und fügen Sie in Plugins die URL Ihrer JavaScript-Datei hinzu, die sich auf einem https-Server befinden sollte. Sie können mehrere URLs hinzufügen, die Sie mit einem „;“ trennen können. (Semikolon). Alle URLs müssen zu einer sicheren https-Domain führen.

Erweitern eines Widgets

Da es sich um jQuery-UI-Widgets handelt, können Sie eine Art objektorientierte Programmiertechnik verwenden, um Teile der HireHop-Widgets zu überschreiben. Zum Beispiel werden wir ein kleines Plugin erstellen, das ein Span-Element mit dem Wort Hello nach der Schaltfläche Aktualisieren im Notizen-Widget hinzufügt.

Erstellen Sie zunächst eine JavaScript-Datei auf Ihrem Webserver und fügen Sie den folgenden Code hinzu:

// Überprüfen Sie, ob das Notizen-Widget vorhanden ist
if(typeof($.custom.notes)!=“undefined“ && hh_api_version<=1) {
// Notizen-Widget neu definieren
$.widget(„custom.notes“, $.custom.notes, {
_init_main: function() {
// Rufen Sie das alte _init_main . auf
// Fügen Sie nach dem Aktualisieren-Button ein Hallo hinzu
$(„<span>„,{ html:“Hallo“ }).insertAfter(this.btnRefresh);
// Fügen Sie dem Widget sogar Ihre eigenen neuen Funktionen hinzu, wenn Sie möchten

new_function_name: function() { }

Der obige Code ist in einer Datei unter

Den obigen Code Zeile für Zeile erklären:

Zuerst warten wir, bis das Dokument fertig ist und alle Seitenelemente und JavaScript-Dateien geladen sind. In diesem Fall ist dies nicht erforderlich, da die Datei /js/notes.js vor dem Plugin-Skript geladen wird. Für dieses Beispiel haben wir sie jedoch als Referenz belassen.

if(typeof($.custom.notes)!=“undefined“ && hh_api_version<=1) {
Als nächstes testen wir, ob das Notizen-Widget definiert wurde, wenn ja, werden wir einen Teil davon überschreiben. Hier testen wir auch die HireHop-API-Version, die der Benutzer verwendet. Wenn neue Versionen von HireHop veröffentlicht werden, hat der Benutzer die Möglichkeit, sie zu verwenden, und dies stellt sicher, dass Ihr Plugin mit dieser Version kompatibel ist.

$.widget(„custom.notes“, $.custom.notes, {
Hier initiieren wir das Zusammenführen eines neuen JavaScript-Objekts, das Funktionen enthält, in das Notizen-Widget.

_init_main: function() {
Wird eine Funktion gleich wie eine vorhandene benannt, wird diese überschrieben.

Dies ruft die geerbte Funktion auf, die die Funktion ist, die wir überschreiben.

$(„<span>“,{ html:“ Hello“ }).insertAfter(this.btnRefresh);
Anschließend fügen wir ein einfaches Span-Element hinzu, das das Wort „Hallo“ hinter der Schaltfläche „Aktualisieren“ enthält. Sie können auch  $(„<span> Hello</span>“).insertAfter(this.btnRefresh); verwenden. Um Elemente zu adressieren, sollten Sie immer die den Elementen zugewiesenen Variablen verwenden und niemals die Element-IDs, da die meisten IDs auf HireHop dynamisch erstellt werden und bei jeder Instanz unterschiedlich sind. Wenn die Element-ID Zahlen enthält oder nicht gut benannt ist, verwenden Sie sie auf keinen Fall.

new_function_name: function() { }
Schließlich macht dies nichts und ist für das, was wir tun müssen, nicht erforderlich, es zeigt nur, dass Sie sogar Ihre eigenen Funktionen in das Widget einfügen können.

Wenn Sie die HireHop-Seite neu laden, sehen Sie nach der Schaltfläche „Aktualisieren“ das Wort „Hallo“, wenn Sie alles richtig gemacht haben.


Ein großer Vorteil der Verwendung des HireHopNoHTML-Frameworks besteht darin, dass das gesamte JavaScript zwischengespeichert wird, was zu einem schnellen Laden der Seite führt, da der Browser die JavaScript-Dateien in seinem Cache verwendet. Dies kann problematisch sein, wenn Sie Ihr Plugin aktualisieren, da alle Benutzer, die es verwenden, ihre Browser nicht die aktualisierte Version herunterladen, sondern stattdessen ihre zwischengespeicherte Version verwenden, es sei denn, sie löschen ihren Browser-Cache.

Um dies zu umgehen, können Sie beim Hinzufügen Ihrer JavaScript-URLs zu den Plug-in-Optionen einen Versionierungsparameter verwenden, z. B. für geben Sie ihn als Nach einem Update können Sie es in ändern, wodurch alle Browser gezwungen werden, die JavaScript-Datei von Ihrem Server neu zu laden. Wenn Sie keinen Server zum Speichern des Codes haben, können Sie jederzeit GIST oder Google Open Source verwenden.


Wenn Sie in Ihren Plugins unter „Einstellungen->Unternehmenseinstellungen“ den Pfad „“ hinzufügen, sehen Sie oben rechts auf Ihrem Bildschirm ein Navigations-Kontextmenü. Wenn Sie sich den Quellcode ansehen, können Sie sehen, wie dieses grundlegende Plugin funktioniert.

Bitte beachte, dass Plugins aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht auf der Einstellungsseite geladen werden und nur geladen werden, wenn du ein kostenpflichtiges Abonnement hast.

Posted in API

Custom Fields – HireHop API

You can have an unlimited number of custom fields in HireHop specific to each record, a record being a job, project, test/service, asset, etc.  All custom fields can be used in documents, as long as they exist, otherwise they will just be blank.

Currently custom fields are only fully supported in Jobs and Projects. Custom fields can only be used using plugins.

Custom Fields Structure

When fetching a custom field for the currently edited record, there is a function called _get_custom_field_value(field) which will return NULL if the field is not set, a string, or a JavaScript object, depending on how you saved it.

You probably should save custom fields as a JavaScript object (like JSON) in the following format for more printing control, as if it is just a string, HireHop will treat it as a string:

"field_name" :
"value"  : "The value of the field",
"type"   : "The field type, default is text, it can also be number, currency, text, date, html and array"
"format" : "For date type only, eg "ddd, dddddd tt" // = "Mon, January 1 2017 12:00"

  • value is the value of the field in any format.
  • type tells HireHop how the field should be treated when merging it into a document. An array field will be displayed as JSON.
  • format tells HireHop how to format the field in the document, currently only available dates and is dependent on the users settings and how their date and time formats are set:
    • dddddd for a long date (like January 1 2018)
    • ddddd for a short date (like 01/01/2018)
    • dddd for the day of the week (like Monday)
    • ddd for the short day of the week (like Mon)
    • tt for the time (like 12:36 am).

The format part is only needed for dates and if it is not set, nothing will show.  You can merge formats together and add separators, for instance you can use dddd, dddddd tt which will give „Monday, January 1 2018 12:00“ if the user has set a date order as day month year. The value for a date type must be stored in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm format.

If you just save the field as a string and not a JavaScript object, that’s fine, HireHop will just treat it as a string.  Saving your custom fields as a JavaScript object will give you greater control, especially when HireHop prints them in a document.

Saving The Custom Fields

On all edit forms that support custom fields, there is a function called _save_custom_field_value(field, value).  This stores your fields to be saved later.  If you can’t find the function, please contact us.

Please note, that all changes must be written prior to saving.

When the custom fields are saved, they are merged with the existing fields, and any new fields passed with the same name as any existing ones, the new values will be set.

When saving the custom fields, for example using /php_functions.job_save.php directly as an API call, only parameters set will be updated, so if you only set the custom_fields post parameter, only the custom fields will change, all the other fields will stay as is.

Printing Custom Fields

All custom fields can be incorporated into documents just like normal fields and are prefixed with a single „_“ (underscore) character.  For example, for a custom field in a job called „field_name“, you would load it by using the merge field „job:_field_name„.

Naming Custom Fields

Some custom fields in documents merge fields together, for example tests merge with an asset in some document fields, so be careful not to use the same field name in an asset and a test.  Also, other plugins maybe added in the future written by yourself or from another source, so add a prefix that denominates you, for example plugins written HireHop by use the „hh_“ prefix, so a field written in a plugin by us might be called „hh_NewName“.  Field names in document merges are not case sensitive, but they obviously are in JavaScript.

Searchable Custom Field

There is an additional field called CUSTOM_INDEX, that can be used for searching, filtering and listed in search results.  The field is a 45 character string value that can be set to NULL. To enable the field to be shown in the search results on the home page, change the allSearchCols global JavaScript variable by adding CUSTOM_INDEX to it:

if(allSearchCols.constructor===Array && doc_type==0 ) {

There is also a language setting for the custom field displayed name:

if(typeof(lang["customIndexTxt"])=="undefined" || lang["customIndexTxt"]=="") {
lang["customIndexTxt"] = "Custom field name";

The reason for the testing for undefined or blank above is just in case the user has set it in the language.

You can use the custom searchable field in the page by adding a lookup in the page or the editor.  On jobs there is a hidden tile that displays the  CUSTOM_INDEX field and can be shown and utilised like so in a plugin:

.click(function() {""+job_data["CUSTOM_INDEX"],"newwindow");

To save the CUSTOM_INDEX field in the relevant edit widget, using a custom plugin you can add a form element into the edit widget, for example like so:

// This adds the CUSTOM_INDEX field into the job edit widget
if(typeof($.custom.job_edit)!="undefined") {
// Redefine job_edit, move name to after telephone
$.widget("custom.job_edit", $.custom.job_edit, {
_init_main: function() {
// Call the old _init_main
// Add an extra edit in the job edit
var table = this.default_disc.closest("table");
var tr = $("<tr>").appendTo( table);
$("<td>", { html: lang.customIndexTxt+ " :" }).appendTo(tr);
$("<input>", {
"name" : "custom_index", // Parameter to pass when saving
"class" : "data_cell",   // Setting class to data_cell tells HireHop it is a standard data field
"data-field" : "CUSTOM_INDEX", // Name of the field
"maxlength" : 45         // The CUSTOM_INDEX has a maximum length of 45 characters
.appendTo( $("<td>").appendTo(tr) );
// Change the memo height to compensate

The CUSTOM_INDEX field is called xxx:custom_index in the document and is passed as a string into the document.

Global Custom Fields

Occasionally you might want to store a global counter, etc. for the whole company.  To read and store global custom fields use /php_functions/custom_fields_global_load.php and /php_functions/custom_fields_global_save.php.  Saving the data, you need to pass either a json string or json array:

// This adds the CUSTOM_INDEX field into the job edit widget
url: "/php_functions/custom_fields_global_save.php",
type: "post",
dataType: "json",
data: {
"fields":{"my_field":"any type of value"}
// or a json string
// "field":'{"my_field":"any type of value"}'
success: function(data)
// HireHop reported an error
if(typeof(data.error) !== "undefined")
error_message(isNaN(parseInt(data.error)) ? data.error : lang.error[data.error]);
// All good, "data" is a javascript object (JSON) of all global custom fields
// Handle an http error
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
error_message(lang.error[1]+" ("+errorThrown+").");

Posted in API

Feed Stock Data to Your Website

Synchronise with the cloud

HireHop allows you to seamlessly feed stock data to your website; enabling you to list hire and rental stock on your website, with images and other data, that is synchronized with the HireHop equipment rental software’s database.

You can filter the lists (or not) by category or name, as well as sort them by name, price, weight or stock quantity held. You can also choose what format you want the export in, albeit JSON, CSV or XML

This feature can also be used to export your hire stock data easily, enabling you to export filtered parts of your data or all of it at once, the choice is yours.

How to Get a List

Before you export a list, you must first create an export key. This key is like a password that must be passed to get the list.  If you change the export key, any requests made not using the new export key, will be denied.

To get the export, you need a link, this you can get from the Hire Stock Management page.  By clicking on Menu and then Get data link, a box will appear with a link to get a list for the current filtered view.  To get the export link, you must be authorised to get it in the user permissions.

If you apply any filtering in the Hire Stock Management page, this filter will be the data the generated link will produce.  So for example, if you select a category and then get a data link, the data produced by the link will be all the stock in that category, just as it is listed on the page.

The data returned by HireHop includes the name, an image link, quantity, category, weight, dimensions, prices, part number, etc.


The generated link will look something like above, and as you can see, it has various parameters that are explained below:

Parameter Meaning
id This is a unique ID for your company.
key The generated export key.
depot  An identifier for a depot (zero means all depots), to get the quantity.
cat The identifier for a category
cat_name The name of a category
name The name search
del If set to one, deleted items will be listed
unq A unique ID of an item. If set, only one item will be returned.
sidx The column to sort by
sord The sort order; asc = ascending & desc = descending
format The format the data will be returned in, being XML, CSV or JSON (default)

To load the data into your web page, you can Ajax it using JSONP, for example, with JQuery:

    url: "",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    success: function( data ) {
        console.log( data );

Please note, the service, pat test and test intervals are in ISO 8601 period formats and all dimensions and weights are metric.

New Features – A Review of the Latest Updates, April 2018

We strive to improve our cloud based hire business software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need.
We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months.
We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!

Scan out in Tree View

We have listened to our users and have worked hard to further enhance our powerful scanning features.

All HireHop users now have the ability to scan jobs out in the same view as the Supplying List, or continue scanning out in the traditional Grouped and List methods. Our tree view allows you to expand or collapse branches of the tree and view the headings and notes exactly as they were created – allowing the user to assign a scanned item to the selected row within the tree.

Check Out – Test Verifications

Don’t want an asset to be checked onto a job if a test or service has expired or is due during the job? On HireHop you can now prevent this from happening.

First, login to HireHop and visit Home-Settings-Company Settings to set your company verification preferences for the three test types available:
  • Ignore – Allows assets with test/service failures to be scanned out.
  • Confirm – Brings up a warning of test/scan failures, but allows the user to scan again to confirm and check out. See User Permissions below.
  • Prevent – Does not allow the asset to be scanned out.


If you have chosen Confirm as your Company Setting for a test, select the Users tab to tailor your User Settings and enable/disable users from being able to confirm a scanned asset which has failed it’s test or service.

Now you’re good to go! Just ensure your tests and services are up to date through Hire Stock Management. You may also like to take a look at our recently enhanced and extremely handy Test/Service Report, which can be found in the Reports tab from the Home page.

Note: Tests can be renamed using our Language Editor!

Limit User Locations

Administrators now have the ability to limit the locations that specific users can login from, such as limiting a user to access HireHop only from the warehouse. 

Simply enter the IP address required, or click ‚My IP address‘ to use your current IP.

Job Delivery & Collection

On jobs, add labels to say how the kit is leaving the warehouse and how it is arriving back in.

For goods out, the default options are customer collection, we deliver, courier delivery and other goods out.

For goods in, the default options are customer return, we collect, courier collect and other goods in.

Note: Customise these to your company via the Language Editor!

Prevent Deletion of Supplying Items

HireHop will now prevent a User from deleting more items from the Supplying List than have already been checked out.

Administrators can choose to override this for specific users in User Permissions.

Advanced API in Beta Testing

Completely customise HireHop & interface with HireHop from an external app via our API to do almost anything in the system!

Contact us now for further information.

GDPR Compliance

Enable your users to unsubscribe from the address book mailing lists!

General Improvements and Speed Enhancements

We can’t list every update we do (you’ll get bored reading through the long list), as we regularly release new minor enhancements and features to help make your life easier such as more document fields, system speed increases, additional data fields and the list goes on.